Changes to my household


I would like to *

Your home

Do you live in a flat or a house? *
How many bedrooms does the property have? *
Will the pet be spayed/neutered? *

The pet you wish to keep

Make a change to my tenancy

Are you the tenancy holder for the address above? *
Do you want to add someone to your tenancy? *
Do you want to remove someone from your tenancy? *
This could be utility bills, bank statements, proof of benefits, government documentation or medical documents
Do you have an Assured or Fixed Term tenancy? *
Marriage or civil partnership certificate, or if not married or in a civil partnership: proof of joint bank accounts, joint utilities. child benefit in both names, council tax in both names, birth certificates with both parents named and living at the same address, letters from MPs addressed to both of you
Is the main or joint tenant now deceased? *

Make a change to my household

Are you adding or removing someone from your household? *
Are you the tenancy holder for the address above? *

Which pets are appropriate for your home and useful information about caring for them...

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Which pets are appropriate for your home and useful information about caring for them...

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