Report a problem

We know it can be frustrating and upsetting when things go wrong, let us know what's happening and we'll get it sorted as soon as we can.

I would like to report... *

ASB overview

We know experiencing antisocial behaviour can be difficult and distressing. We are committed to supporting you and resolving any ASB issues as quickly and efficiently as possible. In the context of housing, we define antisocial behaviour (ASB) as acting in a way that is capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to anyone. We take a problem solving approach to responding and managing reports of antisocial behaviour. We encourage and support you to be involved in remedying incidents of antisocial behaviour and we will take a reasonable and proportionate approach when using legal and non-legal interventions. We will intervene when a tenant's behaviour poses a risk to another person(s) or the future of their tenancy, or there is a risk of harm to our tenants.

Is the vehicle on Midland Heart land? *
Do you know who the vehicle belongs to? *


Fly-tipping can be hazardous and expensive to remove and will potentially cause an increase in tenants service charges. If you know who has fly-tipped items please give us as much detail as possible. We will then contact the individual and request they remove the items.

Is there any hazardous waste? *
Have you reported it before? *

Report a concern about a neighbour

There are many reasons you might be concerned about a neighbour: Providing false information in order to move into one of our homes; Not using our property as the main home or abandoning it; Subletting the property to someone else; Selling the keys; Failing to tell us when the tenant has passed away so that someone else can live there; Mate crime where vulnerable tenants are targeted by fraudsters to use the home for criminal activity. Giving false information to get a Right to Buy discount.

Is there any hazardous waste? *

Pests and Vermin

If you have pests or vermin you can use our easy to use responsibility tool to find out who's responsibility it is to remove them.

Are they in your home? *
Is the graffiti located in a communal area? *
Is the graffiti offensive or targeting a particular resident? *
Have the police been contacted? *
My question is about *
Is the tree an immediate risk to people or property? *

We know experiencing antisocial behaviour can be difficult and distressing. We are committed to supporting you and resolving any ASB issues as quickly and efficiently as possible...

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Customers who pay a service charge will receive some or all of these services...

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Antisocial behaviour

We know experiencing antisocial behaviour can be difficult and distressing. We are committed to supporting you and resolving any ASB issues as quickly and efficiently as possible...

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Grounds Maintenance, Communal and Window Cleaning

Customers who pay a service charge will receive some or all of these services...

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