We understand how difficult it can be to resolve issues with your neighbours. In some situations it can helpful to have an unbiased person lead the conversation and help everyone involved to share their side of the story.
What is Restorative Justice?
Restorative Justice (RJ) brings the people who are affected by a dispute, conflict or a crime and those responsible for it together to talk. It gives everyone involved the opportunity to discuss the issues that they're having. This helps them to agree on a positive way to change behaviours and move forward.
A few years ago we took part in a pilot with West Midlands Police to see if we could use RJ as a tool to resolve ASB and neighbour disputes. The project was so successful that we decided to appoint our own Restorative Justice Officer.
Not many housing associations have a designated RJ Officer so we're proud to be able to offer this service. It means that our customers can now sign themselves up and we can set up meetings more quickly without involving the police.
We use RJ as a tool to resolve issues between neighbours. We aim to help the people involved in a complaint to understand the impact that their behaviour has had on those around them.
- Allowing you to explain to the other party how you feel and the impact of their actions.
- Helping you to resolve ongoing issues by speaking directly to the other party.
- Resolving misunderstandings that may have made issues worse.
- Bringing about an understanding of both parties situation.
- Empowering both parties to reach agreements that suit them. When people reach their own agreements they are more likely to keep to them.
Many customers have reported that issues have improved after taking part in RJ. Customers have also told us that they were empowered to explain how they feel and the impact that the issues have had on them.
RJ has also helped many of our tenants to be able to communicate with their neighbours directly and more positively.
We understand why you may feel uncomfortable sitting in a room with someone that you’ve had issues with. However, face to face conversations get the best results. In most cases, both parties are comfortable and pleased that they took part by the end of the meeting.
We want to help your neighbour to understand your point of view. There may be some things about your situation that your neighbour needs to know to help them be more understanding in the future. Of course, we would never ask you to discuss things that you aren’t comfortable sharing.
Fill out the form below to request a call back. Our RJ officer will have a confidential chat with you to help you decide if RJ is the right option for you.
You should only fill out this form if you are willing to have a meeting with your neighbour. If you are experiencing ASB and are not willing to have a meeting with your neighbour please visit our ASB Page to report ASB.