Do you know you should test your carbon monoxide alarms at least once a month? Find out more here.

Every year more than 30 people are killed from faulty gas fires or appliances in their home. An unsafe gas appliance can put your life at risk. Carbon monoxide poisoning, fires, gas leaks and explosions are some of the biggest dangers you can avoid with a gas safety check. 

The check will help keep you and your family safe and makes sure your heating is running efficiently. It’s free and takes about an hour depending on the number of gas appliances you have. This allows us to keep you and your family as safe as possible and can also help you manage your gas bills.

If for any reason you don’t allow our Gas Safe registered engineers into your home, we may serve you a notice seeking possession of your property for breaking these terms. Legal action may also need to be taken to gain access to your home or we can force access in case of an emergency.

To keep you and your home safe, knowing what to do when you smell gas is very important. Click on 'What should I do when I smell gas?' to find out more.

We are also looking to install carbon monoxide detectors in our residents' homes, click here to find out more.


Why does my home need a gas safety check?

You won't get much warning if you have a faulty gas fire or appliance in your home, so it's important that your gas appliances are checked to keep you and your family safe, while making sure that your heating is running efficiently.

If you do not let us in to do the service you could be putting yourself, your family and your neighbours at risk from carbon monoxide poisoning. You cannot see, smell or taste carbon monoxide, but it can kill within a matter of minutes.

What happens if I don't allow a gas safety check?

Not allowing a gas safety check means you are breaking your tenancy conditions.

If you do not make arrangements to let our contractors in, we will take the following legal steps to help us gain access:

  • A request for an injunction against you from your local county court could be made.
  • We’ll seek to recover the court costs - which could be more than £800.
  • If we obtain the injunction from the court and you still fail to allow access we will issue possession proceedings against you, which could result in you losing your home and may prevent you from acquiring another property from a registered provider. In May 2012 we successfully applied to the courts for a possession order for not allowing access for a gas service. The judge granted the order and eviction took place in September 2012.
How do you keep my home safe?

We are committed to your safety and we take our responsibilities on gas safety very seriously. As your landlord we'll ensure:

  • All gas fittings (appliances and pipework) and flues installed by us are maintained in a safe condition
  • All installation, maintenance safety checks and annual gas servicing is carried out by a Gas Safe registered installer
  • A gas safety check and service is carried out on each relevant gas fitting/flue in your home every year. When you move in all gas appliances/flues will be checked before you move in.
  • A record of each annual safety check and service is kept
  • We give you a copy of the gas safety record for your home on completion of the safety check
How can I keep my home safe?
  • You should allow us prompt access to your home to carry out maintenance or safety checks on the gas fittings/flues.
  • You should ensure that any gas fittings which you own, including your gas cooker, are installed correctly by a Gas Safe registered installer and are checked annually for safety and serviced.
  • You should always contact us before making any alterations to your home, no matter how small.
  • For your safety, always use a qualified Gas Safe registered installer to carry out any gas work in your home.

Failure to give reasonable access to your home to allow us to complete the annual safety check is dangerous for you, your family and your neighbours.

It’s also a breach of your tenancy conditions, which could result in legal action to enforce access or end your tenancy. You will be recharged for any costs incurred for taking legal action

What should I look out for to keep my home safe?

Contact us immediately if you notice:

  • Sooting or staining marks on or around the appliance
  • A yellow or orange lazy flame – not crisp and blue
  • A higher level of condensation than normal in the room where the appliance is installed
  • Anyone in your household suffering from drowsiness, headaches, nausea or pains in the chest when using a gas appliance.




 3. REPORT IT TO MIDLAND HEART ON 0345 60 20 540

Managing my appointment

You'll receive a First Appointment Card from our Gas Safe registered contractor PH Jones, which will inform you of the date, day and time when your annual gas service is due to be carried out. If this time isn't convenient, please phone the telephone number on the card to rearrange your service.

You must make sure that you let them into your home to carry out the service and safety check. At the end of the visit, you'll be given paperwork to show that they've checked your gas appliances and that it's safe. You must not do anything to these appliances yourself.

Don't forget, if you get your gas service completed on the first appointment you will be entered into a monthly prize draw to win £50!

Gas safety tips

By allowing us prompt access to your home and by following the tips below you can ensure the safety of your gas appliances:

  • If you smell gas, call the National Grid immediately on 0800 111 999, for more information, visit our webpage on what to do if you smell gas.
  • Never try DIY with gas
  • Make sure you know where your gas meter is located and how to turn off the gas in the event of an emergency
  • Don’t block up air ventilation grills and ensure that flue terminals are kept clear at all times
  • Never use a gas appliance if you think it’s not working properly
  • Never cover gas appliances
  • Be cautious if buying second hand gas appliances – don’t scrimp on safety
  • If for any reason you have to move your bedroom to your living room and it has a gas fire please contact the Gas Team on 0345 60 20 540 for further advice
  • Ceiling fans should not be fitted in a room that has a working gas fire as this can cause the fumes to be drawn back down the chimney and back into the room

If you need a repair or want to report a building safety concern for the first time, please ring our Hub on 0345 60 20 540, and we’ll book it in for you.

However, if you have an ongoing building safety concern that hasn’t been fixed, please click the button below.

Report a building safety concern