Read our latest case study on how CCTV cameras have helped Comberton Road tackle nuisance vehicles and anti-social behaviour.

To help keep your home and community safe, we’ve been upgrading our CCTV systems in most of our buildings and schemes in recent months. We now have a team who live monitor CCTV footage overnight so they can respond to, and report, any issues immediately.

As part of our drive to deter and detect crime and anti-social behaviour, we’re beginning to regularly share a range of case studies to show you how the system is working and making a positive impact on your neighbourhood. 

Comberton Road

There was a lot of vehicle nuisance and anti-social behaviour before the cameras were installed at Comberton Road. Since the installation of the cameras, our CCTV Operatives have witnessed dangerous, criminal behaviour on CCTV footage. They have been quick to act and have contacted the police immediately on these occasions.

Since this incident at Comberton Road, West Midlands police have attended the site and have spoken to the local tenants in the area.

The impact of our CCTV

Since this incident at Comberton Road, dangerous and criminal activity has reduced. Nuisance and loitering vehicles have reduced, with any noise simply coming from vehicles passing by, rather than cars hanging around suspiciously in the area.

We’ll be working with West Midlands Police and Birmingham City Council to help tackle anti-social behaviour in the area, and our CCTV footage will help with this.

Ongoing monitoring

Since the installation of the CCTV cameras at Comberton Road, more activity has been caught on camera. There’s been an incident of two young men spray painting graffiti over outdoor walls, fences and communal doors.

This CCTV footage has been extracted and sent to the West Midlands Police to investigate further.

CCTV Operatives are now taking extra care to monitor the live footage and watch back any clips that look suspicious, to act upon any incidents that may cause harm and nuisance to the neighbourhood.

We’ve finished installing CCTV cameras in all of our buildings and they’ve had a positive impact in preventing and dealing with any trouble and making your communities safer.

While the cameras have been installed at all sites, we're still experiencing connection issues at some sites which is affecting live monitoring. We hope this will be resolved very soon.