We know your communal areas are important to you, so we've put together some FAQs to provide answers about communal cleaning, services provided and how to report a problem.


What do communal cleaning do?

The cleaning contractors will carry out is:

  • Cleaning, dusting, and hoovering
  • Depending on the floor type, floors will be swept, vacuumed, scrubbed and/or mopped clean
  • Bannisters, handrails, handles and knobs, hand and kick plates, light switches, sills, ledges, skirting boards, and light fittings will be cleaned and polished
  • Interior and exterior communal lights will be checked, and bulbs changed as required
  • Lift walls, camera lenses, doors, door frames, door tracks and lights will be cleaned and polished
  • Shared refuse room floors, interior walls and doors will be washed
How are communal cleaning appointments made and kept?

Fortnightly visits are scheduled throughout the year and sites are visited on a schedule based on geographical location.

Do services change over winter?

Services don't change in the winter period.

Why are communal cleaning visits sometimes not met?

As with any company, our communal cleaning contracts will occasionally come up against things like occasional staff sickness and low staffing numbers, which means that sometimes a scheduled visit might be missed. We’ll always correct this by rearranging the missed visit and making sure we carry out the number of contractual visits each year.

What do we do to make sure you get what you pay for?

We’ll always make sure we make up the missed visits, provide extra visits where necessary, spend longer on site to bring it up to standard, and offer refunds if there’s continued failures with communal cleaning.

How will I be kept up to date about service failures?

If we experience any service failures, you’ll be notified by text message. We’ll also put posters up on notice boards, update the website and post any relevant information out on our Facebook page and X.

How do we make sure the standard of cleaning is met?

Rangers and Estates Officers carry out regular inspections of schemes each month and report their findings back to us. Any concerns from these are then raised directly with Pinnacle for them to resolve.

What do we do when the cleaning standards are not met?

If cleaning standards are not met following a visit, a reattendance is requested within three working days of the failure being raised to us. We also monitor the standard of cleaning in monthly meetings and inspections throughout the year.

What happens if my visit falls on a bank holiday?

If your visit falls on a bank holiday, it'll be scheduled for a different day on the same week.

If there’s an urgent problem, we urge you to call the Hub on 0345 60 20 540 as soon as possible. For non-urgent problems, you can report them on our social media channels.