Pests and vermin

Here you'll find information about how to deal with pests or vermin in or around your property.

As part of a tenancy with us, tenants are responsible for removing pests from their homes. We’ll help you take care of pests in shared areas in blocks and schemes. 

If you have pests or vermin you can use our easy tool below to find out whose responsibility it is to remove them.

For information on how to spot the signs and prevent pests from entering your home please click here.

Find out who's responsible

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Pests and vermin

Please choose "Private home & garden" or "Private home with shared areas or gardens".


Please choose an option from below...

Inside your home
  • You are responsible for keeping your home and garden free of pests and vermin

    Some councils or Local Authorities will provide poison or traps for mice and rats or even remove them for free. Contact your council or local authority directly to find out about the services they offer.

    If you have bees or bats in your property you should be aware that they are a protected species and should be removed by a professional.

In your garden
  • If you live in a Midland Heart property with a private garden:

    You are responsible for keeping the garden, and any other outdoor spaces, free of pests and vermin.

    Depending upon where you live your council or local authority may provide free bait or traps for mice and rats or even remove these free of charge.  For more information on the services available to you please contact your council or local authority directly.

Not what you're looking for?

If this hasn't helped answer your questions and you're still none the wiser, then we want to hear from you.

Get in touch


Please choose an option from below...

Inside your home
  • You are responsible for keeping your home and garden free of pests and vermin

    Some councils or local authorities will provide poison or traps for mice and rats or even remove them for free.  Contact your council or local authority directly to find out about the services they offer.

    If you have bees in your property you should be aware that they are a protected species and should be removed by a professional.

In communal areas
  • We'll remove pests or vermin from the communal areas of properties

    These include:

    •   Indoor communal areas like halls, stairs and shared cupboards
    •   Outdoor communal areas like bin stores, car parks and gardens

    Please click the button below to let us know about this in more detail, so that we can arrange for the removal:

    Report a problem

Not what you're looking for?

If this hasn't helped answer your questions and you're still none the wiser, then we want to hear from you.

Get in touch

If you’ve found that it’s our responsibility, please ring us on 0345 60 20 540 and we’ll get someone out to you as soon as possible.




Can I claim any costs charged by the local authority back from you?

Unfortunately, unless the problem is in the communal areas, it is a tenant's responsibility to remove any pests from their property and any costs that you have to pay out.

Can you help me to maintain my garden?

We look after communal areas and employ contractors to support us to maintain communal outside spaces, but we can signpost you to other agencies that may be able to help you.

Can you come and treat my property for pests?

As part of the terms of your tenancy agreement you’re supposed to treat pests and vermin yourself.

You can contact your local council for advice and information on how to do this.

We'll offer you as much support and advice as possible while treating any pests in communal areas.

There are pests in the communal areas, can you help?

We’re responsible for communal spaces and will attend your building to carry out an inspection when there are pests in those areas.

What can I do to prevent pests?

When insects and animals enter a home, they're normally looking for shelter and food. Your home will be less attractive to pests if you keep food in sealed containers and clear any spilt food, liquids or crumbs quickly.

Don’t leave pet food lying around. Don't put old furniture, mattresses or other rubbish in the garden or yard. If you feed garden birds, don't put food out in the evening and always use a bird table. Putting food on the ground can attract pests.

Don't allow your garden to become overgrown, as this provides a good home for rats and mice. Regularly clean under kitchen units, cookers and other furniture.

You'll also be able to get advice on how to remove pests and the cost of doing this from your Local Authority website.

Advice to manage pests in your home

  • Keep food in sealed, pest-proof containers
  • Clear any spilt food or liquids immediately
  • Do not leave unsealed pet food lying around in your home or garden
  • Regularly clean under kitchen units, cookers
  • Don't allow your garden to become overgrown
  • If you feed the birds in your garden, don’t put food on the ground and don’t feed them ‘human food’ as this can attract rats
  • Don't feed birds in baited areas
  • Remove rubbish and other material that might provide food or nesting material
  • If you have a compost bin or compost pile DO NOT put any meat or fish waste into these
  • Don’t leave old furniture or mattresses outside
  • If you have a wheelie bin, put your waste into bags before putting it into bins
  • Keep property, any garden, drive or pathway well maintained and in a good clean condition