In our grounds maintenance areas
We’re committed to working with our grounds maintenance contractors to protect and enhance our green spaces but we also need your help to protect them.
How can you help?
- Report instances of crime and vandalism – Acts of vandalism, littering or fly-tipping can destroy areas of green space and prevent its use for people and nature. We all need to report these instances to catch those who did it and stop it from happening again.
- ‘Bee’ aware of programmes to protect and enhance nature and biodiversity – To protect and enhance nature we’ll sometimes leave areas of grass or wild flowers to grow longer than usual. This is a natural step to protect the habitats of pollinating species such as bees that are vital to our local ecosystem. Don’t be alarmed if these areas look untidy at certain points of the year. The grass and wildflowers need to be left to pollinate and spread their seeds to encourage next year’s growth.
- Take pride in your green space – By making the most out of our green spaces we can all benefit from the positive aspects of health and wellbeing that they bring.
Protecting our green spaces
By working together, we can protect our green spaces and allow nature to thrive on our doorsteps.In your own space
Choosing somewhere to relax, grow and watch nature thrive can make a big difference to your life.
No matter how big or small your space is, there's an opportunity to get the best out of it. Take a look at our top tips and give them a go inside your home, in a garden or down at an allotment:
- Grow your own - Growing your own food is a healthy way to save money and enjoy fresh produce at home. When done correctly, even the smallest space can produce fruits and vegetables saving you a bit of money.
- Plant pot herb gardens - Herb plants are beautiful and smell great, while adding some fresh herbs can really make the taste of your dishes stand out.
- Create a wildflower bed - Adding native wildflowers into a small area of your garden will provide more food for pollinators like bees and butterflies, as well as other insects. On a single day in summer, one acre’s worth of wildflowers can contain 3 million flowers, producing 1 kg of nectar sugar. That's enough to support nearly 96,000 honey bees per day.

Find out what you can recycle and what you can't, as well as seeing what local recycling services you have.

Top tips on how to reduce your waste and lower the amount of rubbish that's taken to landfills each year.

Help us to tackle these problems, keeping your homes tidy and reducing any costs to residents.