Preparing for winter weather

When the cold weather hits, it can often take us by surprise so it's good to try and be as prepared as we can! On this page we've got some great advice for coping with the cold weather and the things you need to consider to make sure you and your home are protected.

If you're concerned about the cost of living this winter, take a look at our cost of living support page for information on available benefits, fuel payments, support funds and more.

Icicles hanging off a frozen pipe
Are your pipes frozen?

The advice here should help in saving you time calling and waiting to speak to our repairs hub, as you can often fix the problem in the time it takes to call in.

A person twisting a radiator valve
Top tips to help fix broken heating

If your heating doesn't work, try these tips before contacting us as it may be easier to fix than you think.

A person cooking on a barbecue
Seasonal safety

As the winter weather hits it’s important we keep in mind the problems that winter can bring. Have a quick read through our winter safety tips to help keep safe this season.

Quick guide

Storage heaters

Some of our properties use storage heaters and many of these are provided by Dimplex. Here is a quick guide to help you set up and use your storage heaters.