Winter pipes
Are your pipes frozen?
During freezing temperatures we receive a lot of calls about failed heating and hot water systems. The root of the problem is often frozen pipes. Here are some helpful tips on how you can prevent and fix frozen pipes during cold weather. This advice can save you from calling us and waiting to speak to our Hub team, as you can often fix the problem in the time it takes to call in.When a condensate pipe freezes (the waste pipe that takes the condensation from your boiler to your drain outside), the boiler may lock out or in some instances still be running intermittently but making a strange noise.
If you think the condensate pipe of your boiler has frozen, try the steps below if you can access the pipe safely.
1. Hold a hot water bottle, or heat wrap, around the pipe.
2. Carefully pour hot water, but not boiling water (as this might damage your pipes, leading to a more complicated repair), over the whole length of the frozen pipe with a watering can, jug or kettle.
3. If water starts to run from the pipe and you think the pipe is unfrozen, try switching on the boiler again. You might need to reset it.
4. If the boiler comes on and heats the water and radiators, the pipe is clear. If it doesn't then pour hot water on the pipe again.
If the pipe has severely frozen you may need to repeat these steps a few times.
If you have tried the steps above and the boiler is still not working, or if you are not able to do this yourself then please call our Hub on 0345 60 20 540.