My tenancy

Starting a new tenancy with us

To make your tenancy a happy one, it's important to understand your tenancy agreement. We’re here to help if you ever need support to understand it or to manage your tenancy. Watch this short video to find out what to expect...

Why do I need a tenancy agreement ?

You’ll need to sign a tenancy agreement when you become one of our tenants. It's a legal contract setting out your legal rights and responsibilities as well as ours. 

We'll give you a copy of your agreement when you move in. You should keep it in a safe place and contact us if you have any questions.

We’ll try to help you to keep to your tenancy conditions and we'll always tell you if you break them. However, if the problem continues we may be forced to take legal action to end your tenancy.

How can I make changes to my tenancy agreement?

It's very important for you to update your information. You'll need to let us know if you change your name, if the people you live with changes, if a member of your household dies or if you want to end your tenancy. 

Click the tabs below to find out more about your agreement.

Understanding what your responsibilities are will help you to keep to your tenancy conditions.

You must:

  • Pay your rent on time - If you have any problems call us on 0345 60 20 540 immediately as we may be able to help
  • Live in your property and use it as your home
  • Treat your property and garden in a reasonable way and keep it in good condition. This includes maintaining the garden and any trees, shrubs or hedges within it. You're responsible for maintaining fencing unless it divides your home from a public path/right of way.
  • Be a good neighbour. Don't do anything that will disturb or annoy those living near you. Please be considerate to your neighbours and remember not to fit hardwood flooring if you live in a flat.
  • Make sure the people you live with and your visitors don't do anything to disturb or annoy your neighbours
  • Report any repairs that we're responsible for quickly and allow access for the work to be completed
  • If your property is heated by gas, you must let us do a gas safety check every year