We've created this short form so that it's quick and easy for you to update your information. Click below if you'd like more information.

How do I change my name?

It's very important to make sure that your details are kept up to date. You'll need to tell us if you change your name or if the people you live with changes as soon as possible.

You'll need to provide us with proof of your name change, such as a marriage certificate or decree absolute if you're changing your name because you have got divorced. 

How do I make changes to my tenancy or household

You’ll need to contact us if you’d like to add someone to your agreement. In most cases this is with a partner, spouse or civil partner.

We’ll ask for your partners ID and proof that they’ve been living with you for the last 12 months. This could be through utility bills, bank statements, proof of benefits, government documentation or medical documents.

We'll also check that your rent account is up to date.

A joint agreement means all the rights and responsibilities are shared equally between both of you. You’ll both be responsible for paying the rent in full, even if one of you leaves the property.

We know that circumstances change and relationships can break down. If one of you no longer wants to be on the joint tenancy agreement let us know, we’ll look at both your needs and tell you about your options.

Can I have a lodger?

You may be able to take in a lodger but you’ll need to contact us for written permission first.

We’ll make a decision based on your tenancy type and whether or not your agreement allows it.

Don't forget to find out if having a lodger will affect your entitlement to any benefits that you’re claiming.

Can I sublet my home?

You can’t sublet your whole property to someone and live elsewhere. You must live in your home and it must be your only or main home.


How do I report that a tenant has died?

We understand that dealing with the loss of a loved one is difficult and there’s a lot to think about.

However, we’ll need to know about the death of any tenant as soon as possible.

In order for us to update our records, end the tenancy or pass on a tenancy there is some information we need:

  • The name of the person who has passed away
  • The date on which the person passed away
  • A copy of the death certificate
  • The details of the Next of Kin, Executor, Trustee or a member of the family who we can contact to discuss the tenancy.

Some people find it easier to notify us online, so we've developed this short form for you to do so.

Passing on a tenancy
The tenancy may be able to be passed on to someone else if you die. This is known as succession. Details about succession will usually be written in your tenancy agreement.

The right of succession only applies once. So if someone has already taken over the tenancy in this way, or you have previously assigned your tenancy (added or removed a person), there is no further right for another person to succeed the tenancy.

However, we’ll always consider each case individually and in line with our policy and procedures.

The law around succession can be very complicated. Contact us and we can guide you through the process.