Here are the 5 different areas of My Voice on how you can get involved and help shape our services

A jigsaw piece with 2 speech bubbles

No commitment – join in when you’d like to

If you want to be involved in helping us shape our services but feel like you’re limited on the time you can commit, joining our survey mailing list is a great way to get your voice heard. 

You’ll get an email when a new survey goes live (usually about once a month), and you can decide whether or not you’d like to give feedback on that topic.

You also have the option to sign up for postal surveys, which will come to you with a freepost envelope so you can send them back to us with no cost to yourself.

Join our survey mailing list

A jigsaw piece with a map icon

Give us feedback once a month

If you love your local area and would like to help us keep the building you live in safe and tidy, become an Estate Champion. This means filling in a monthly report on services like window cleaning and grounds maintenance, as well as letting us know about any anti-social behaviour.

We’ll work directly with our Estates and Tenancy Services colleagues to make sure any issues get resolved.

A jigsaw piece with a thumbs up

Ask us about the options

This is the best way to give us feedback on the things that matter most to you. We run a range of meetings on topics such as communication, energy efficiency, repairs, and rent increases – you can come along to whichever ones interest you.

My Experience groups generally occur on a “one-off” basis, essentially like focus groups, and cover a wide variety of topics.

We’re open to any new ideas and we’re also happy to arrange Q&As with colleagues from other teams.

A jigsaw piece with 2 hands shaking

4 or 5 meetings per project

My Scrutiny is an area of My Voice that requires more of a time commitment, but is invaluable in helping us review and improve our services.

You would sit on a Tenant Scrutiny Panel and carry out in-depth reviews of a particular area – for example, our Digital offer, or Fairness & Respect. They look at our current processes and make recommendations for improvement which we will act on.

A jigsaw piece with an arrow hitting the centre of a target

6 meetings a year

If you want a direct way to hold us to account and ensure we’re doing what we say we will, My Impact is the group for you.

The group meets 6 times per year and reviews a wide range of information to ensure that we’re on track with all of our projects and action plans and auditing evidence to make sure we’re meeting all the standards set by the Regulator for Social Housing.

We will ask you to do some preparation before these meetings, but you’ll be able to see the impact of your hard work pay off as this group really helps to shape our services.

My Feedback

No commitment – join in when you’d like to

If you want to be involved in helping us shape our services but feel like you’re limited on the time you can commit, joining our survey mailing list is a great way to get your voice heard. 

You’ll get an email when a new survey goes live (usually about once a month), and you can decide whether or not you’d like to give feedback on that topic.

You also have the option to sign up for postal surveys, which will come to you with a freepost envelope so you can send them back to us with no cost to yourself.

Join our survey mailing list

A jigsaw piece with 2 speech bubbles
My Area

Give us feedback once a month

If you love your local area and would like to help us keep the building you live in safe and tidy, become an Estate Champion. This means filling in a monthly report on services like window cleaning and grounds maintenance, as well as letting us know about any anti-social behaviour.

We’ll work directly with our Estates and Tenancy Services colleagues to make sure any issues get resolved.

A jigsaw piece with a map icon
My Experience

Ask us about the options

This is the best way to give us feedback on the things that matter most to you. We run a range of meetings on topics such as communication, energy efficiency, repairs, and rent increases – you can come along to whichever ones interest you.

My Experience groups generally occur on a “one-off” basis, essentially like focus groups, and cover a wide variety of topics.

We’re open to any new ideas and we’re also happy to arrange Q&As with colleagues from other teams.

A jigsaw piece with a thumbs up
My Scrutiny

4 or 5 meetings per project

My Scrutiny is an area of My Voice that requires more of a time commitment, but is invaluable in helping us review and improve our services.

You would sit on a Tenant Scrutiny Panel and carry out in-depth reviews of a particular area – for example, our Digital offer, or Fairness & Respect. They look at our current processes and make recommendations for improvement which we will act on.

A jigsaw piece with 2 hands shaking
My Impact

6 meetings a year

If you want a direct way to hold us to account and ensure we’re doing what we say we will, My Impact is the group for you.

The group meets 6 times per year and reviews a wide range of information to ensure that we’re on track with all of our projects and action plans and auditing evidence to make sure we’re meeting all the standards set by the Regulator for Social Housing.

We will ask you to do some preparation before these meetings, but you’ll be able to see the impact of your hard work pay off as this group really helps to shape our services.

A jigsaw piece with an arrow hitting the centre of a target

Share your feedback with us

There are lots of different ways you can give feedback to us all from the comfort of your sofa, including taking part in our surveys!

To make sure our tenants are shaping the content we share across our social media channels, it’s important that you have the opportunity to let us know what you’d like to see from us and what you’re interested in knowing.

Take part in our Social Media feedback survey

(takes only 3 minutes!)

Our Involved Tenants

Meet Juliet, Val and Carol our Involved Tenants sharing why they joined My Voice.

If you'd like to know more, our friendly Tenant Scrutiny team will be more than happy to have a chat!

You can drop us an email on

Spotlight on the latest Tenant Scrutiny news, you can read all about it here...

A Midland Heart employee with a headset, looking at the computer
Hardship fund

Using Tenant Insight, we've recently reviewed our Customer Support Fund to better understand who is accessing it and any barriers that might people stopping tenants.

A tenant speaking to a Midland Heart employee
Local level communication

Recently our My Scrutiny group completed a full project looking at how we communicate with our tenants about their local areas and neighbourhoods.

Bob - involved tenant
Meet Bob (Involved Tenant)

We recently spoke with one of our newest involved tenants to help you understand what National Involvement Week is all about...

A tenant sitting on a bench speaking to a Midland Heart employee
Meet Jo (Tenant Scrutiny Officer)

It’s National Involvement week! A week to shine the spotlight on all forms on tenant and resident engagement and the people who make it happen.

Repairs operative looking at a fuse box
Communication during repairs

We regularly carry out projects to test whether the tenant voice is being heard, to make sure you are at the centre of everything we do.

Poster saying get your voice heard
Introducing Tenant Insight

To make sure we’re able to take on board your feedback, we’ve expanded our Tenant Scrutiny team to include a new Tenant Insight strand and refresh our framework.