Project date – 2021 

Project brief

Tenants highlighted that the lack of data around who tenants are in our Retirement Living Schemes made it hard to tailor services or ensure they were inclusive of tenants needs. 


  1. Tenants should be encouraged to provide ethnicity data, and this information should be updated on our housing management systems. 
  2. Make better use of inclusion action plans to increase the knowledge and awareness of BAME cultures, encouraging a more open and inclusive culture in our services. 
  3. To improve our promotion and brand associated with Retirement Living and Care services, we will provide a review of the use of the terms ‘Housing for Older People’ and ‘Extra Care’. 
  4. Carry out a wider exercise to understand more about how we can increase the diversity of our tenants who chose our Retirement Living and Care services as a place to live. 

Action update

As a result of reducing the amount of missing data by 90%, Scheme Managers could develop more bespoke inclusion plans and activities. This resulted in tenants telling us that they feel their scheme is inclusive and welcoming, which increased from 87% to 92%.  

This also impacted on the proportion of tenants moving into our schemes who are from ethnically diverse backgrounds which increased from 9% to 12% in our Retirement Living service and from 5% to 11% in our Retirement Living Plus service. 

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