Restorative Justice brings together individuals who are having issues with one another, to try and help resolve the situation before it escalates.
The disputes we deal with tend to be between neighbours and centre around noise nuisance or verbal abuse, family conflicts, pet disturbances and intimidation.
Through restorative justice, we try to open up communication between the involved parties and help rebuild relationships, to create happier and more sustainable neighbourhoods. We encourage everyone involved to be open and agree on a positive way to move forward.
How do I know if RJ is right for me?
Your tenancy services officer may suggest restorative justice if they think it would help your situation.
You’ll need to be willing to try and have a calm and balanced conversation with the other parties involved and try and find common ground. The other individuals involved will also need to be willing to take part and try to come to an amicable solution.
What happens if I get referred for RJ?
Before confirming an RJ meeting, our Restorative Justice Officer will be in touch to make sure all parties are willing to take part and that we’re likely to reach a positive outcome.
We’ll bring you together with the other people involved, in a neutral setting if you prefer, and ask each of you to tell you side of the story. It might help to see things from other perspectives and understand why your relationship has broken down. The more open you can be, the more likely you are to find common ground.
What can I expect to get from it?
Each case is different but the aim of restorative justice is to put an end to conflict and help to repair relationships. It can help you feel safer and happier in your community and to build new friendships.
If you think you could benefit from Restorative Justice or would just like to find out more, click here.