Meet Sue (Involved Tenant)

My Voice Scrutiny Team Involved Tenants 03/10/2023

Berryhill Tenants 1004796

For National Scrutiny Week, we’re shining a spotlight on how important tenant-led scrutiny is and how you can get involved!

To help you understand what it’s all about, we had a chat with one of our involved tenants, Sue, to get the inside scoop…

Hi Sue, why did you want to become an involved tenant?

I wanted to make a difference! I believe knowledge is essential to understanding how things work and maybe helping tenants who are less able to voice their opinions.

What do you think the main benefits are of being an involved tenant? And what do you enjoy about it?

I really enjoy knowing what the aims of Midland Heart are and being able to give insights into the tenant's side of things.

What is your favourite meeting to attend and why?

Currently the meeting about energy costs in Retirement Living is one I’m really enjoying, as I live in a Retirement Living scheme so I know what information and advice I feel could help people in this area.

Is there a particular project that really resonated with you? What impact do you think your involvement had in the outcome?

Procurement Scrutiny was one which I really felt I needed to be involved in as, from my previous roles in life, I felt there were things which may not be being considered when contracts were awarded.

I feel that my ideas and opinions were heard and things that came from the meetings have now been applied when awarding contracts.

Have you found it easy to be involved in the meetings/have there been any challenges that you have experienced?

After the first couple of meetings I got the feel for how things worked. It was a bit challenging when people went off on a bit of a tangent, as I was used to business meetings which were kept strictly on topic, however as I got to know the people involved I could see that these were things that mattered to them and that they needed to speak about.

What would you say to others who are thinking about joining My Voice?

I would advise anyone to join up with My Voice if they feel strongly about influencing the homes we live in and how Midland Heart work. It is an ongoing process but your opinions are valued by the Customer Scrutiny team and eventually, with improved communications, hopefully things will filter through to all areas of Midland Hear so we have a uniformed way of working.  

Please join - you will make a difference!

If you’re interested in joining My Voice and being one of our involved tenants, you can find lots of information here.