Make sure that you have your say and let us know what’s important to you by filling out our survey - and enter our prize draw for a £50 shopping voucher!
Over the last few years, we’ve focussed on improving the quality of our existing homes, building new affordable homes and widening the range of housing and estate management services we offer.
To help us develop our priorities moving forward, we’d really love your input. It’s important to us that we continue to deliver the services that matter most to you.
How can I give you my feedback?
We’ve developed a survey to help us understand your views on what we already do well, and what you feel we could do better. This will help us shape our priorities going forward and make sure you have the best experience possible living in our homes.
To help you feel more comfortable giving us your views, you can remain totally anonymous if you wish.
As a thank you for giving us your feedback, we’re also giving you the chance to win one of five £50 shopping vouchers if you fill out the survey!
You can access our survey here
If you have any questions, you can get in touch with our Customer Scrutiny team on