To make sure we’re able to take on board your feedback and shape our services to suit your needs, we’ve expanded our Tenant Scrutiny team to include a new Tenant Insight strand and refresh our framework.
What is tenant insight?
Tenant insight looks at how we use our tenants’ voices and feedback to shape our services and processes, to best suit your needs Putting more emphasis on tenant insight means that we can make sure we're tackling the issues and concerns that matter to you the most.
Why now?
The changes to our Tenant Scrutiny team reflect the new Consumer Standards introduced in April this year, which have brought about a new set of expectations around how we involve you in our decision-making processes.
While we already have a strong approach to tenant insight through our My Voice programme, we have worked with our involved tenants to identify ways to support and enhance the tenant voice even further.
What's the new framework?
Our new Tenant Insight Framework will provide a more structured approach to tenant insight, with 3 core areas of focus:
- Tenant Voice: creating the right mechanisms to enable tenants to feedback on our services, hold us to account and suggest improvements
- Tenant Insight: using the tenant voice and insight data we have to review services and deliver change
- Accessibility: understanding our tenants and their needs, and ensuring services are designed to meet these
We’re really excited about the changes to come and how we’ll be able to use your insights to improve your experiences.
How can I get involved?
There’s no better time to become an involved tenant, so if you’re interested in helping to shape our services visit our My Voice page or get in touch with our Scrutiny team on
Below, you can hear from some of our Involved Tenants about why they got involved and what they enjoy most about being part of My Voice!