Traditionally, our Retirement Living Plus villages have always had a ‘Lifestyle coach’ service, where an officer plans fun activities with the residents in mind and is on site throughout the day.
In our more independent Retirement Living schemes, we don’t have lifestyle services and it’s up to our residents to organise anything they might like to do, with support of their scheme staff. Recently, a new role for a Lifestyle Coach has been created for two of our “independent living” retirement schemes, Princethorpe Court and Willowbrook, to trial what kind of positive impact it can have for our residents there.
What our residents have been up to
Since April, our new Lifestyle Coach has been busy planning different fun themed activities alongside our residents, to name a few…
- Arts and crafts classes
- 1920’s themed party
- Summer fair
- Digital skill workshops
- Day trips out to the seaside and canals
Residents are all encouraged to share feedback on what they’d like to get involved in and in planning future scheme projects. One project our residents felt they would really benefit from is the digital skills workshops.
"It keeps us all together, creates a family feel in the scheme. Helps us find companionship so no one is on their own" - Ann, Resident
Many of our residents explained that they experience day to day difficulties with accessing online services because they lack confidence and knowledge of digital systems - and haven’t really needed to get to grips with new technologies before. To help with this, our new Lifestyle Coach has arranged free digital skill sessions through Cov Connects, created by the Coventry Council, which aims to help communities to tackle digital exclusion.
"It keeps us all going, gives us a new lease of life by encouraging us to try new things. Keeps our brains active." - Lily, Resident
What’s next?
The team have started planning upcoming activity ideas and events, including quiz nights and curling competitions between different schemes and as well as larger events for Black History Month and Christmas-themed day trips.
Our Lifestyle Coaches are going to continue building on our relationships with other Retirement Living schemes and organisations in the area so that we can grow our connections with the local community and introduce new activities for our residents.
You can stay up to date with what our residents get up to within their schemes by following our Retirement Living Facebook page. You can also find more information on our website.