Our new corporate plan for 2025 to 2030, is here!
For the last six years, we’ve worked towards Making What Matters Brilliant. But now that plan’s coming to an end, it’s time to focus on what our vision looks like for 2025 onwards - and how we’ll provide the best possible service for you.
That’s where Tenants at Heart, our new corporate plan, comes in.
What is it?
It’s a plan that shows how we’ll continue to provide quality, affordable homes across the Midlands, and make sure that you’re receiving a first-class landlord service that’s tailored to your needs.
Why does it matter?
Tenants at Heart is a collaboration between us and our tenants and lays out our priorities for the next 5 years. You helped us to shape this plan and we’re confident it represents your wants and needs, and builds on our successes so far.
We’ve spent the last two years speaking and listening to thousands of our tenants to co-create this plan.
All of the valuable insight we’ve gathered from you along the way has gone into Tenants at Heart. It’s our commitment to meet your expectations, tackle your concerns and focus on your priorities.
What are the main priorities of the plan?
1. Homes that enable modern living
We know that improving the quality of existing homes is really important to you, which is why it sits at the heart of our new corporate plan.
This includes: Providing a quality and responsive day-to-day repairs services, tackling ageing stock and growing our replacement and retrofit work plans.
2. Quality services and local impact
We’ll focus on providing high quality, tenant-focused services. We want to strengthen our approach to local neighbourhood management by having a bigger frontline presence and a greater impact in the local areas where we work.
This involves: Continuing to work with tenants, partners and statutory agencies to invest in these areas and collaborate to deliver progress in line with tenants’ needs.
3. Financial resilience and sustainable growth
We will improve provide new social, affordable and shared ownership homes, and continue to operate sustainably.
This includes: Building new homes, expanding our net zero affordable housing community scheme, developing regional partnerships and making sure we have the financial capabilities to deliver this five-year plan.
4. One team working together for our tenants
Our colleagues will work together as a team with a refreshed, tenant-focused mindset, to deliver this corporate plan.
This involves: Being empathetic, honest, reliable and professional as we work to provide you with the best homes and services. This also includes safeguarding our business by making sure we hire the right colleagues with the best skills and knowledge to stay ahead of the latest industry changes.
For more information about Tenants at Heart please visit our dedicated microsite.