In this section of our website, we’re delighted to showcase a variety of case studies which detail a number of projects we’ve been focussing on, including Modernisation, Energy Efficiency and Building Safety. We’ll continue to add to these case studies as we continue to make a difference by listening to our tenants.

We've also created our Tenant Insight Report, which shows the range of different ways we listen to your views and how your feedback has made a difference, click below to see a copy:

Part of making improvements is knowing who our tenants are, which is why we created the Tenant ED&I Report (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion), click below to see we've gather information that will help us to improve services for you:

ASB Case Study

Antisocial behaviour

Partnership working and leading the policy agenda

CCTV Case Study


Keeping our tenants & neighbourhoods clean & safe

D&M Cover Image

Damp and mould

Our proactive and preventative approach to damp and mould

Energy Efficiency Case Study

Energy efficiency

Tackling fuel poverty

Homechecker Case Study


Providing on the ground, first line assurance

Intervention Scheme Case Study

Intervention schemes

Delivering balanced and sustainable communities

Localised Communications Case Study

Localised communications

Engaging with tenants on everyday services

Low Cost Home Ownership Case Study

Low Cost Home Ownership

Understanding and acting on resident feedback

Modernisation Case Study


Understanding the needs and priorities of diverse tenants

Working In Partnership Case Study

Working in Partnership

Responding to need in Birmingham

Delivering Value For Money For Tenants

Value for money

How we're making sure our tenants are receiving value for money

Strategic Disposal Case Study V3

Strategic disposals

Transferring 23 Extra Care schemes to Housing 21

Keeping Our Tenants Safe

Building safety

A changing building safety operating environment

Supporting Vulnerable Tenants Case Study

Supporting vulnerable tenants

Caring for the social, environmental and economic wellbeing of our vulnerable tenants