Website News Images (1000X595)
It’s Water Saving Week

Water Saving Week is run by WaterWise and takes place this year from 13th – 17th  May. It highlights…


Fire Safety 2024 10/05/2024

Staying safe in the hot weather

As the weather starts to heat up, we want you to be able to enjoy the sunshine with friends and fami…

Chatham Place 1St May 2024 0554
Our first Town Hall event

We hosted our first Town Hall event at Chatham Place, Northfield, on Wednesday 1st May to give our t…

Facebook Size (1500 × 1080Px) 2024 05 01T130020
Fire doors save lives

Did you know, that well maintained fire doors slow the spread of smoke and fire for at least 30 minu…

Green Spaces Lichfield 0338
Helping nature thrive

Last week, we held community events at Meadowbrook Road, Elderberry Drive and Church Lane to talk to…

Jigsaw (1)
The 5 areas of My Voice

Our Scrutiny team run a variety of different groups and projects, and with My Voice, there are 5 key…

Smoke Alarm
Checking your smoke alarms

Checking your smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alarm regularly is really important. Not only does it…

Feedback Image
Your feedback on Awaab’s Law

Recently, we circulated a survey to get your thoughts on Awaab’s Law. One of our Scrutiny Officers,…

Facebook Size (1500 × 1080Px) 2024 04 16T195236
What can cause a home fire?

We do everything we can to prevent a fire from starting in your home but it's important to know what…