The summer holiday’s will be coming to an end very soon, so we want to share some tips on how to pre…
With the summer holidays here, it can be hard finding things to do with the kids, especially with th…
Making sure that we’re consistently monitoring and measuring your feedback and satisfaction is reall…
Our Tenancy Services team have recently gained us accreditation with the Illegal Money Lending Team.
Recently, our My Scrutiny group took a look at how well we keep you informed throughout the repairs…
To make sure we’re able to take on board your feedback and shape our services to suit your needs, we…
Now that the summer holidays have arrived, it can be harder to manage your finances with the kids of…
we’re opening up a new tenant involvement group which will look at some of our back-office services,…
Listening to you and what you have to say is the best way for us to improve our services. So, every…