
It’s really important that you take precautions to prevent damp and mould becoming a problem in your…

We’re really excited to have published our Annual Performance Report for 2023/2024. This year's repo…

Recently our My Scrutiny group completed a full project looking at how we communicate with our tenan…

When you own a shared ownership property, you have the option to buy more shares of that property, t…

Shared Ownership is a service offered in England and Wales to help people get onto the housing ladde…

In February 2024, we launched our Leasehold Focus Group which gave you a chance to let us know where…

It’s really important to know what damp, mould and condensation is and how you can prevent it and tr…

We’re now a third-party reporting centre for Hate Crime - find out how to report a hate crime to us

As part of National Involvement Week, we’re excited to shine a spotlight on our community of involve…