
Mould on a wall by a window
Tackling damp and mould

It’s really important that you take precautions to prevent damp and mould becoming a problem in your…

Annual Report 2
Our Annual Performance Report

We’re really excited to have published our Annual Performance Report for 2023/2024. This year's repo…

A tenant speaking to a Midland Heart employee
Local level communication

Recently our My Scrutiny group completed a full project looking at how we communicate with our tenan…

A tenant receiving the key to their new home from a Midland Heart employee
A guide to staircasing

When you own a shared ownership property, you have the option to buy more shares of that property, t…

Homes at Kings Road in Kings Heath
Brief History of Shared Ownership

Shared Ownership is a service offered in England and Wales to help people get onto the housing ladde…

A Midland Heart employee speaking with a tenant
Focus Group Update

In February 2024, we launched our Leasehold Focus Group which gave you a chance to let us know where…

Damp Mould Condensation
Preventing damp and mould

It’s really important to know what damp, mould and condensation is and how you can prevent it and tr…

Reporting hate crime

We’re now a third-party reporting centre for Hate Crime - find out how to report a hate crime to us

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Meet Bob (Involved Tenant)

As part of National Involvement Week, we’re excited to shine a spotlight on our community of involve…